Steps to implement TrustCommander with Adobe Launch.
TrustCommander provides a plug-in to integrate with Adobe Launch. The setup requires technical installation steps.
Following you will find the required steps to implement a standard TrustCommander setup.
Choose the default account configuration mode for your account (see Options).
Setup your TrustCommander categories & vendors (see Manage Categories).
Create one or multiple banner templates (see Manage Banner)
Deploy your TrustCommander banner templates to the Commanders Act CDN or on premise target (see Deploy Banner).
Implement TrustCommander tag (see below)
Manage Adobe Launch tags with TrustCommander (see below).
TrustCommander creates the consent variables when the privacy javascript file is loaded. You have to delay your Adobe container until TrustCommander is ready otherwise the variables containing the consent status will be undefined.
To delay your container, update your <script>
tags loading your Adobe container in order to execute it after TrustCommander is loaded.
is replaced by :
The text/javascript script type has to be replaced by text/tc_privacy. In this way, Adobe is loaded only when TrustCommander is ready Add the TrustCommander javascript file (if possible, call it before Adobe container and after datalayer) :
When TrustCommander is loaded and gets the consent, a variable tcCategoriesConsent is created by TrustCommander in the Adobe datalayer :
This variable contains the ID of the categories accepted by the user and separated by a coma.
You have to declare this variable in Adobe Launch interface, in the Data Elements configuration. From a Property page, open the Data Elements tab, then click Add Data Element, and add "tcCategoriesConsent" variable.
If your datalayer is not set in the digitalData object, set the path to tcCategoriesConsent (in this case the variable is created in the window scope: window.tcCategoriesConsent)
Then, you have to create the rules that will fire your tags based on the categories ID accepted by the users. You have to create a separate rule for each category you want to use as a firing condition (ex: "Retargeting category accepted", "Analytics category accepted"...).
In the Adobe Launch interface, open the "Rules" tab and click Create New Rule.
Set a rule based on the previously created tcCategoriesConsent. Ex: if you want to trigger a tag based on the Retargeting category (ID 6), you will have to create a rule "if tcCategoriesConsent contains 6", then the Criteo tag has to be triggered.