Push your offline conversions, like purchases made in physical stores, directly to Criteo.
You must specify the Store ID variable, the variable corresponding to the store identifier on your conversions.
By default, we apply a filter on conversion_type = 'offline' to push only offline conversions. However, if you have a specific setup, you can change this value if needed.
Enter your Criteo Account ID, you can find it directly on Criteo interface.
Criteo is an advertising company that provides online display advertisements, especially for retargeting campaigns.
Create a segment on DataCommander to build your audience. Then, you can push this audience to Criteo through our connector Criteo (audiences).
You need first to accept a consent link send by our consultants. This link is needed to authorize our DataCommander Criteo App to have access to your Criteo account to push audiences.
Then you can configure the connector, select the segment you created just before and simply enter your Criteo Advertiser ID (you can find it on your Criteo account).
Click on SAVE and it will automatically create a new audience (user list) on Criteo side.