'User ID'
'Hashed email address'
'First visit date'
'Last visit date'
'Total page views'
'Total conversion amount'
'First conversion date'
'Last conversion date'
'Continent' 'Country'
'Region' 'City'
'Postal code'
'User gender'
'User age in years'
'User postal code'
'User address'
'User firstname'
'User lastname'
'Stream segment public IDs'
'Stream segment labels'
'Audience public IDs'
'Audience labels'
'User alias'
'User category'
'User agency'
'User loyalty card id'
'Last Device Name'
'Last Device Type'
'Total sessions'
'User Id List'
'User Email Hash List'
'Is master user'
'Original Products Count'
'Cancelled Products Count'
'Returned Products Count'
'Exchanged Products Count'
'Final Products Count'
'Total Original Conversion Amount'
'Total Cancelled Conversion Amount'
'Total Returned Conversion Amount'
'Total Exchanged Conversion Amount'
'Total Final Conversion Amount'
'Number of conversions'
'Date of First Conversion'
'Date of Last Conversion'
'New session'
'Env template'
'Env work'
'User ID'
'User logged'
'Postal code'
'Email (hashed)'
'New customer'
'Page Category 1 name'
'Page Category 2 name'
'Page Category 3 name'
'Page Category 1 ID'
'Page Category 2 ID'
'Page Category 3 ID'
'Key Words'
'Product ID'
'Product ID variation'
'Product name'
'Product name variation'
'Product quantity'
'Product unit price'
'Product unit price discount'
'Product URL'
'Product Image URL'
'Product Category 1 ID'
'Product Category 2 ID'
'Product Category 3 ID'
'Product Category 1 name'
'Product Category 2 name'
'Product Category 3 name'
'Product custom field 1'
'Product custom field 2'
'Product custom field 3'
'Product custom field 4'
'Product custom field 5'
'Basket ID'
'Basket custom field 1'
'Basket custom field 2'
'Basket custom field 3'
'Basket custom field 4'
'Basket custom field 5'
'Order ID'
'Order amount'
'Order products number'
'Conversion Product Name'
'Products list'
'Ordered products list'
If you need to map your segments:
Stream segment labels => Labels of segments selected for the stream
Stream segment public IDs => IDs of segments selected for the stream
Audience labels => Labels of all segments to which the user belongs
Audience public IDs => IDs of all segments to which the user belongs
"Default variables" means ...
They are declared on each account per default? --> Yes, by our servers
They are populated automatically by DataCommander tag? No
'Custom variables' are variables that could be created especially for you, to suit to your business. Limits:
Variable name : varchar(128) Variable shortname : varchar(55)
Consents from our product Trust (our Consent Management Platform) are stored on users and you can segment or export these values with these variables:
Allows to treat all kinds of data, incl. "" (empty)
Can come from collect, API, import
Can be used with text operator such as 'contains', 'begins with'...
All variables coming from MIX must be declared as String
Limit: 32766 bytes
Is either negative {-1, -2,-3, -4, -5, ... }, positive {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... }, or zero {0}
Can come from collect, API, import
Can be used with numeric operators for segmentation
Limit: 2147483647 bytes
Cannot be empty
Please be careful when you try to use this very specific type
Format is very specific: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss
Cannot be empty
Can come from collect, API, import
Can be used for timing segmentation, in the past "ago" AND in the future "from now"
Is used to retrieve true / false for a specific information
Can come from collect, API, import
Can be used in the segmentation either with 1/0 - true/false - T/F: these 3 options retrieve the same results, any other usage will retrieve the value of true
Cannot be empty
Be careful this is case sensitive!!!
Is whatever figure you want
Cannot be empty
Can come from collect, API, import
Can be used with numeric operator
Used to store several information in one variable
Example: { age : 12, gender : M }
Cannot be updated from collect data layer (because tag converts objects to strings); Can only be updated by API or FTP import
Cannot be used for segmentation, only for exports
Cannot be empty
This is the list of proper variables you can use
First session date / Last session date = the first / last session date that is associated to a TCID
date format
can be used for segmentation
available operators: beteween / not between + date range
Count session = the number of sessions associated to a TCID for a specific date range
can be used for segmentation
available operators: exactly / at least / at most + date range
Total session = the total number of sessions associated to a TCID
can be used for segmentation
available operators: all operators that can be used for integers
as a classic user property there is no date range
New session = the first session variable populated on pageviews
can be used for segmentation (but honestly quite complicated to really use it...)
available operators: equals T/F
Be careful: it never matches 100% as you have many TCID older than 30 days where the variable new session in page views is not populated
Some information about how data is encrypted in DataCommander (in AES 256 format)
If you need encrypted data in DataCommander don't forget to pick 'Yes' in encrypted option in Create variable step.
This is the encryption scheme:
FTP Server
In base
In Export
CSV file
It means that we store encrypted data, and we are able to export clear data for our partners.
It is very important especially for emails, as it is a sensitive data that many clients want to over-secure, but we need to export it in clear for emailers to be able to use it