🎯 Goal:
SMS with favourite store incentive for loyal customers.
Drive traffic to stores with customers with a high propensity to buy.
Send a personalized SMS with a discount valid only in the customer’s favourite shop (regarding his past purchases).
🔧 Complexity: 2/5
💰 ROI: High
Step 1: create a new variable ‘favourite_store’ and import values
Step 2: create a segment with conditions to target loyal customers
Step 3: create a stream to send users in segment previously created to an SMS solution (send the variable favourite_store to personalize the SMS sent)
🎯 Goal:
Answer to customers expectations, reduce call center traffic and increase loyalty.
Notify your customers when an order is delayed, this will reduce the call center traffic and bring more interactions with customers by giving them more info. If needed, you can add also an incentive for next purchase as compensation.
🔧 Complexity: 2/5
💰 ROI: Low
Step 1: create a new variable order_delay = True / False and import values
Step 2: create a segment with order_delay = True
Step 3: create a stream to send users in segment previously created to an emailing or push notification solution
🎯 Goal:
Increase Customer Lifetime Value, boost customers loyalty and avoid churn.
Flag your customers based on their behaviour to switch from one status to another (Gold, Silver…). Define rewards and gains for each status and communicate by email any changes or promotion.
🔧 Complexity: 2/5
💰 ROI: Medium
Step 1: create new Augmented User Attributes to FLAG your customers according to their status (define conditions to enter and exit flags). 1 flag per status
Step 2: create segments based on flags previously created (=fidelity status) and more conditions if needed. 1 segment per status
Step 3: create streams to send users in segments previously created (to an emailing solution for example)