Options to manage the main text content of your banner.
Content: Text content (supports HTML formatting and links).
Font color: Text color.
Background color: Background color of the content area.
Here are the articles in this section:
A list of available banner templates in Commanders Act Consent
Commanders Act offers multiple banner templates for different kind of privacy workflows.
Header (with Privacy Center)
Floating overlay banner (is layered on top of the website), positioned at the top of the page. This banner includes a text message and customizables buttons. You can add a link to another page (e.g. privacy policy).
This template exists with and without an optional privacy center.
Popin (with Privacy Center)
A floating modal dialogue (pop-up), positioned in the center of the page. This banner includes a text message and customizable buttons. It supports links to another page (e.g. privacy policy).
This template exists with and without an optional privacy center.
Footer (with Privacy Center)
Floating overlay banner, positioned at the bottom of the page. This banner includes a text message and customizable buttons. It supports links to another page (e.g. privacy policy).
A variation of this template exists with extended accessibility support.
Popin with categories
This template directly opens the privacy center that allows visitors to select Commanders Act Consent categories and sub-categories they want to activate/deactivate.
Footer / Popin / Header
Floating information banner, no buttons to refuse or accept. Not compliant for GDPR & CCPA
Footer without button
Floating overlay banner, positioned at the bottom of the page. This banner includes a text message and cross icon to close the banner. It supports links to another page (e.g. privacy policy). Not compliant for GDPR & CCPA
IAB TCF 2.2 Popin
Template available if IAB TCF compliancy option is activated in the Data Governance > Consent Management > Settings
A floating modal dialogue (pop-up), positioned in the centre of the page. This template offers consent controls following the IAB TCF 2.2 standard.
IAB TCF 2.2 Footer
Template available if IAB TCF compliancy option is activated in the Data Governance > Consent Management > Settings
Floating overlay banner, positioned at the bottom of the page. This template offers consent controls following the IABTCF 2.2 standard.
IAB TCF 2.0 Popin (deprecated)
Template available if IAB TCF 2.0 option is activated in the Data Governance > Consent Management > Settings
A floating modal dialogue (pop-up), positioned in the centre of the page. This template offers consent controls following the IAB TCF 2.0 standard.
IAB TCF 2.0 Footer (deprecated)
Template available if IAB TCF compliancy option is activated in the Data Governance > Consent Management > Settings
Floating overlay banner, positioned at the bottom of the page. This template offers consent controls following the IABTCF 2.0 standard.
Footer with privacy center (accessibility)
Floating overlay banner, positioned at the bottom of the page. This banner includes a text message and customizable buttons. It supports links to another page (e.g. privacy policy). Includes standards for WCAG 2.0 for more details, look at
Popin with privacy center (accessibility)
A floating modal dialogue (pop-up), positioned in the center of the page.This banner includes a text message and customizable buttons. It supports links to another page (e.g. privacy policy). Includes standards for WCAG 2.0 for more details, look at
Among the available templates, one is dedicated to accessibility. It ensures compatibility with RGAA and WCAG 2.0 level AA standards.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) is developed through the W3C process in cooperation with individuals and organizations around the world, with a goal of providing a single shared standard for web content accessibility that meets the needs of individuals, organizations, and governments internationally.
More information here : https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/
When websites and web tools are properly designed and coded, people with disabilities can use them. However, currently many sites and tools are developed with accessibility barriers that make them difficult or impossible for some people to use.
Making the web accessible benefits individuals, businesses, and society. International web standards define what is needed for accessibility.
Web accessibility means that websites, tools, and technologies are designed and developed so that people with disabilities can use them. More specifically, people can:
perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with the Web
contribute to the Web
With this template the main key point is to offer a privacy fully functional for people with disabilities.
The Accessibility template provides an automatic translation of different labels. This translation is based on navigator language. Currently, it supports : Italian, English, German, French and Russian.
You can either add new translation or override aria labels by using the function tC.privacy.addTranslation()
in the custom JS.
Labels available :
: Title attribute of the iframe
: Aria Label of the footer
: Aria Label of the accept button
: Aria Label of the refuse button
: Aria Label of the “Show Privacy Center“ Button
Exemple :
Privacy Center
⚠️ To translate the privacy you must use another function: pc.addTranslation()
Available keys and their values :
Some of the translation accept a label as {label}. The label here is always the label of the category.
The last keys with SrPrefix
have empty translation by default. These keys are used for “sr-only” text which are prefixing and suffixing the category name. These text are only readable by a screen reader.
are used when the category isn’t locked
replaces cookieSr
if the category is blocked to on
By default, texts provided to screen readers is translated depending on the navigator language. In some case you may want to display a privacy in english for example even if the navigator language is another one. ie : with an ISO language code in the url
You can force the privacy to take a language by using the function setLocale in the Privacy Center > Custom JS field > JS Block Before :
Value can be : fr, it, de, ru or en
Note : this function must be placed after the translation declaration.
The focus trap is an accessibility option designed so that keyboard user have their navigation locked to the banner. Pressing the TAB key would cycle between the different navigation elements of the banner without going on your website. This is an accessibility recommendation when using modal on a webpage.
You can deactivate the focus trap by adding the following JavaScript snippet to the custom JS of the accessibility template banner:
Administration > Copy management
Commanders Act copy management allows to copy privacy banner. Privacy banners can be copied within the same account or transferred to another account.
Steps to copy a banner with copy management.
Select Privacy banner(s)
in the Elements to copy
Use the Site containing the privacy banner(s) to copy
dropdown menu to select the site where the privacy banner is located that you want to copy.
Select one or more privacy banner that you would like to copy in the Privacy banner(s) to copy
dropdown menu.
Choose one or multiple target sites where you want to copy the selected privacy banner with the Destination site(s)
dropdown menu.
You can copy your privacy banner to a new template by selecting Yes
in the Copy the privacy content to a new template
After this you will be able to select the new template in the Destination template
dropdown menu.
This will keep the content (text, selected color, etc.) of the banner and change the template.
This option might not work for customized privacy banner templates. Please contact your Commanders Act consultant or support in case you are unsure if your banner was customized before using this option.
Click on blue buttonCOPY
at the top right corner of the interface to copy the banner with the selected options.
Options to create and edit banner templates.Sources > Privacy banners
in the top right of the interface to add a new banner to your account. Each template has following options:
Label of the banner used in the interface.
Dropdown to select a template for this banner.
Consent duration
Duration how long the consent cookie is valid. After this duration the consent cookie is not valid anymore and a new banner will be presented to the user. It is possible to configure a duration in full months between 1 and 13 month. This has no impact on the storage duration of the consent in the Commanders Act Consent database.
Use the new privacy center
This option allows to use the old privacy center template of Commanders Act Consent Banners. This option allows to use custom CSS and custom JS that was created for old banner templates. In case you are not sure if a banner was customized please check with your Commanders Act consultant or support contact before creating a new template. This option is not available on all templates.
Example: Configuring options of a privacy banner.
You can open and edit the privacy banner settings via the gear
icon on the top left of the interface.
Changing banner templates might not work for customized privacy banner templates. Please contact your Commanders Act consultant or support in case you are unsure if your banner was customized before using this option.
Sources > Privacy banners (tab EDIT BANNER)
All banner templates can be customized with a WYSIWYG editor. Following options are available for all banners (except IAB TCF and Popin with Categories templates).
Options to manage the main text content of your banner.
Content: Text content (supports HTML formatting and links).
Font color: Text color.
Background color: Background color of the content area.
Custom CSS that can be used by advanced users to customise the banner style. This CSS is applied globally to your website, avoid to use global selectors and use the HTML ID attribute of the banner elements instead.
Advanced customization options. Please contact your Commanders Act consultant or support before using these.
Changes have to be saved with the SAVE
Following options are available for the privacy center and "Popin with categories" templates.
Options to manage the header text of your privacy center.
Title: Text content.
Font color: Text color.
Background color: Background color of the header area.
Options to manage the main text content of your banner.
Categories introduction: Introductory text of the category tab (supports HTML formatting and links)
Vendors introduction: Introductory text of the vendor tab (supports HTML formatting and links, only visible in case IAB TCF 2.0 or custom vendors were activated)
Font color: Text color.
Background color: Background color of the content area.
Options to manage the privacy categories of the privacy center. These categories are based on the categories managed in the Categories & Tags
part of the interface.
Order: Drag and Drop sorting of Categories.
icon that allows to overwrite the default name and description of categories and sub-categories that have been provided in the
Categories & Tags
section of the interface for this banner (used for localisation).
Checkbox that allows to hide a category (below edit
Categories Blocked On: Checkbox that permanently enables a category that can not be deactivated by visitors (e.g. for an "essential cookies" category)
IAB TCF 2.0 option: IAB purposes, special purposes, features and special features are automatically displayed on the basis of selected vendors in Categories & Tags / Manage vendors
section. The categories translation is done automatically depending on the user’s browser language settings. Non-IAB categories will be displayed after the official IAB categories in the banner.
Options to manage and translate descriptions of custom vendors. IAB TCF 2.0 vendor descriptions and translations are managed automatically by the IAB TCF 2.0 framework.
Vendor Description: Description displayed in the vendor tab.
Hide Vendor: Options to hide the vendor from the banner.
Order of vendors can be changed via drag & drop. (IAB TCF 2.0 vendors are always displayed before custom vendors).
Custom CSS that can be used by advanced users to customise the banner style.
Advanced customisation options. Please contact your Commanders Act consultant or support before using these.
Changes have to be saved with the SAVE
Option to manage the publisherCC
field of the IAB TCF API.
Country code of the country that determines the legislation of reference. Normally corresponds to the country code of the country in which the publisher's business entity is established.
Consent banners sets this value to "FR"
by default in the IAB response. The publisher country code field can be customised with following JavaScript snippet (should be implemented in the first container on the website.).
tC.privacy.iabPublisherCC = "<country_code>";
Example to set the publisher country code field to a German country code:
tC.privacy.iabPublisherCC = "DE";
Option to manage the purposeOneTreatment
field of the IAB TCF API.
IAB TCF offers this field to specify how purpose one should be treated in specific scenarios.
true: Purpose 1 not disclosed at all. CMPs use publisherCC to indicate the publisher's country of establishment to help Vendors determine whether the vendor requires Purpose 1 consent.
false: There is no special Purpose 1 treatment status. Purpose 1 was disclosed normally (consent) as expected by TCF Policy
Consent banner sets this value to false
by default in the IAB response. The purpose one treatment field can be customised with following JavaScript snippet (should be implemented in the first container on the website.).
tC.privacy.iabPublisherCC = (true|false);
You can change the vendor button type to neutral if you choose the neutral position as the default status.f
You can't choose a neutral position for IAB categories (purposes) as it's not allowed by the framework policy
You can choose to synchronize vendors status with categories, choosing to do it only for neutral buttons or always. If you use an IAB TCF template, this option will not have any effects on TCF vendors, as the TCF framework doesn't allow this.
Commanders Act Consent offers IAB TCF Stacks to reduce the size of the purpose list in the privacy center. IAB TCF Stacks group purposes and special features in a foldable panel and allows visitors to configure consent for all purposes and special feature in a Stack at once. More information on IAB TCF Stacks can be found in the IAB TCF Policy.
Right now IAB TCF Stacks are in beta in Commanders Act Consent. They are activated with a JavaScript command that needs to be added to the privacy center CUSTOM JS
.Example: Activating Auto Stacks
Commanders Act Consent offers two options to activate Stacks:
This option uses an algorithm to automatically find the tightest Stack combination for the configured vendors. This option is the recommended approach.
This option allows to manually activate IAB TCF Stacks by providing a list of Stack IDs. The Stack IDs can be found in the IAB TCF Policy.
Purposes may only be included in one Stack. In case of a bad configuration Commanders Act Consent ignores IAB Stack configuration and provides an error in the browser console.
Per default IAB Purpose controls are placed above native category controls. It is possible to display native categories above IAB TCF Purpose controls by adding following JavaScript snippet to the CUSTOM JS
of the privacy center.
The "Other" headline of the native category controls can be translated by adding following configuration snippet to the CUSTOM JS
of the privacy center.
pc.addTranslation({en: { others: 'My Headline' }});pc.setLocale('en');
Options to generate and deploy banner.
Sources > Privacy banners ( tab GENERATE & DEPLOY)
To deploy a new or updated banner it is first necessary to generate a new version of the banner. Click GENERATE
to open the modal dialogue.
You will have following option when generating a new container version.
You can provide a comment to document the changes of the new banner version (e.g. change text of accept button).
Reactivate privacy
In case you check this option all visitors of the website will be re-asked for consent, they will again see the banner when visiting the website the next time.
You can preview and test new banner versions by clicking the TEST
option on the right site of the banner version in the banner version list. This will preview the banner on a demo website.
It is recommended to test new banner on a test environment of the real website before deploying it.
The deployment process of a new banner version varies depending on the selected hosting method of the privacy banner. You can select the hosting method of a banner in the privacy banner settings that can be accessed with the gear
icon on the top left of the interface (beside the privacy banner name).
Commanders Act CDN ensures a reliable and performant hosting of your banner. It allows to deploy banners automatically and in real-time.
to deploy a banner to the Commanders Act CDN.
This option allows to self-host privacy banner. It therefore requires manual effort on each update. For on premise hosting it is necessary to provide the URL of the folder where the on premise banner is hosted. Example:
to download on the right side of the new banner files and manually update them on your server.
In case both TMS and Consent Commanders Act are used to manage tags it is important to understand what needs to be generated and deployed for different update scenarios. Following table lists the elements that needs a generation and deployment for common scenarios.
Affected Web Container
All Web Container
Consent Banner
Global options change (Data Governance > Consent Management > Settings
Category or vendor is added, deleted or updated on a used banner
Tag is added to a container (Source > Web Containers
Tag is assigned to a category or vendor in the used banner (Data Governance > Consent Management > Categories (Tab ASSIGN TAGS)
Banner text or style change
Banner button actions change
On your website, don't forget to integrate a button or a link to allow your users to modify their consent choices
Use our Onsite API, command consentCenter.show
Hosting method used for this banner (see ).