Overview of TagCommander Setup Guides per platform.
Installation Instructions for TagCommander with Angular.
TagCommander offers dedicated Plug-Ins for all major Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks. Please refer to the Plug-In documentation on GitHub for detailed installation instructions for Angular.
Angular uses the Client-Side version of TagCommander.
Installation Instructions for TagCommander for direct HTTP connections.
It is possible to communicate with TagCommander container via a HTTP API (e.g. for IOT and TV apps).
See "Serverside" setup guide for more details.
IOT & TV apps use the Serverside version of TagCommander.
How to condition tags to user consent
Commanders Act provides a Consent Management Platform (CMP) to easily manage the consent https://www.commandersact.com/en/solutions/trustcommander/ https://community.commandersact.com/trustcommander/
If you already use your own CMP, you can of course manage the way your tags will be triggered through your own CMP setup.
The recommended way is to attached a custom trigger to each of your tags and to manage this trigger inside your CMP to launch or not launch tags depending of the user's consent.
Warning : some part of TagCommander code is not inside tags, see below how to manage consent on custom code or core code
If you have written custom javascript code and/or internal variables that create cookies or send data, you'll have to link this code to your CMP. Of course it will depend of your CMP method, but the recommended way is to wrap your custom code with a conditional instruction (if) that will manage your CMP API or to embed it in a trigger that will be triggered by your CMP.
TagCommander contains also core code that is not accessible through the interface. There is one core feature that could put cookies and needs to be manage in your CMP through the management of one global variable : window.tc_disable_cookiesync
Usage : set this variable to true if the user doesn't give his consent
You have to set this variable to false or not set the variable when the user gives his consent
Installation Instructions for TagCommander on AMP.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) use the Server-Side version of TagCommander.
AMP, which stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, is a technology issued from the open source Digital News Initiative (DNI) between Google and European publishers. AMP is a format allowing the creation of optimized mobile content in a bid to improve user experience.
If you wish to learn more about AMPs, click the following links:
[FR] https://www.ampproject.org/fr/learn/about-amp/
[EN] https://www.ampproject.org/learn/about-amp/
AMP blocks synchronous JavaScript files called on your websites in order to increase mobile pages’ loading speed. For your Commanders Act container to be compatible, you need to adapt the way you set it up to be compliant with AMP’s requirements.
Below, you will find an example showing how to set up a Commanders Act container on your AMP pages. We recommend using the <amp-analytics> tag (https://www.ampproject.org/docs/reference/components/amp-analytics) to define your data layer and the container.
Important: This operation calls for Commanders Act’s API and thus requires that a server-side container be setup in Commanders Act’s user interface. To learn more about server-side set up please read the following article (https://community.commandersact.com/fr/introduction-au-tracking-server-side-avec-tagcommander/).
AMPs also allow you to set up your tag management tool through an iframe. Please note that if the iframe has not loaded within 5 seconds, it will not be called. You will find below an a setup example through an iframe:
Setup example with iframe
Installation Instructions for TagCommander with AngularJS.
TagCommander offers dedicated Plug-Ins for all major Single Page Application (SPA) frameworks. Please refer to the Plug-In for detailed installation instructions for AngularJS.
AngularJS uses the Client-Side version of TagCommander.