Having the user consent is essential to send sensible information like the IDFA/AAID. To prevent having to manually save the consent asked to the user and manually using it with our SDKs, we created a module helping you do it automatically.
This module will gather the consent and will:
Display a consent page (if needed)
Save consent and reload it every time the application is launched.
Save and check the validity of the consent. The validity duration is set to 13 months.
Send a hit to our servers to record the consent.
Enable or disable the SDK. (if used alongside the SDK)
Add the categories automatically to the hits the SDK sends. (if used alongside the SDK)
Privacy's Implementation Guide:
Since April 2021, Apple requires that your app provide a transparency popup to ask user permission for tracking, beginning with iOS 14.5 () and the ATT framework.
Before attempting to use the IDFA from an iOS device, you must first display the ATT tracking permission alert, according to Apple's guidelines. If permission is not requested or if the user declines, the IDFA will be unavailable to your app and any embedded third-party SDKs. Third-party SDKs may not function properly in this case.
To really complies with both Apple and GDPR requirements, you must open the ATT popup to get user permission as well as open CMP popup to get user consent for GDPR purpose.
ATT isn't currently compliant with the IAB TCF or with GDPR prerequisites, so it can't be utilized as the lone consent collection system and should be utilized with the TrustCommander CMP.
From customer's experiences, the most accepted solution by Apple is to :
Open the ATT popin
Depending of user's choice on ATT :
if the user choose to allow the tracking, then open the TrustCommander popin to collect the consent
If the user refuse the tracking in the ATT popin, the user has to be considered as optout without opening the TrustCommander popin
For some customer's this solution worked also :
Open the TrustCommander popin
Whatever the consent, open the ATT popin just after
This setup offers the advantage of allowing the user to consent certain purposes whatever his choice regarding the popin ATT tracking. Neverthe less this implementation is some time refused by some Apple reviewers
To go further, here a for France customers the position of the competition authority on this subject: https://www.autoritedelaconcurrence.fr/fr/communiques-de-presse/ciblage-publicitairemise-en-place-par-apple-de-la-sollicitation-att-lautorite