Now that you set-up your behavioural attribution model in Adloop, you see that you have new metrics in your reports : attributed conversions & revenue.
The attributed conversion/revenue is the amount of conversion/revenue that can be attributed to a traffic source or campaign . It is very useful in analyzing return on ad spend and determining the digital marketing budgets.
Adloop attributed conversions & revenue will differ from the one indicated by Google Analytics or by the Ad Platforms and it is normal : we use our own behavioural algorithm to calculate attribution. Our attribution is behaviour-based, meaning that it takes into account the actions that the users did on your website.
a- Cost per attributed conversion
Ad Spend / Attributed Conversions
b- Attributed return on ad spend
Attributed Revenue / Ad Spend
Use those two KPI, compare them to what the Ad Platforms say! Then you can start optimizing your digital marketing campaigns based on more reliable & more transparent metrics.
Optimizating your digital marketing only on conversions & revenue would mean that you leave out most of your campaigns. To answer this challenge, Adloop created the useful click .
Well, that’s up to you!
YOU decide what makes a click useful to your business. Is a click useful only if the user sees more than 2 pageviews? Or if he sees a product page?
When setting up the Adloop Tracking & Attribution data source, you will have to choose the useful click definition, using goals & events from your Analytics data source. You can combine several goals & events if you want, using logical connectors “or” & “and”.
Here for example, a click will be considered useful if:
there is at least 2 pageviews, or
at least one product search, or
at least one product view
noteTo create custom metric, visit [[our dedicated page|Calculated-metrics]]!
To create custom metric, visit our dedicated page!
To analyze your digital marketing, we advise you to create two KPI using the useful clicks:
a - Cost per useful click
Ad Spend / Useful Clicks
b - Useful click ratio
Useful Clicks / Adloop Clicks
Adding those two KPI to your report will enable you to highlight any elements not driving enough qualified traffic.
It is especially interesting to compare the cost per useful click with the Advertising CPC, to highlight the difference between the two.