Consent Object

Description of the Consent Object format that is used by the onsite API to receive and update consent.

The Consent Object is a standardised way to represent consent throughout all methods of the onsite JavaScript API (similar to the IAB TCF consent string). The object holds a meta property that includes metadata like the validity of the cookie and a consent property that holds that current consent settings stored on the browser.

The onsite API and Consent Object is the official way to access the consent settings of TrustCommander with JavaScript. The direct usage of the Consent Cookie is deprecated.

    meta: {
        version: "1.0",
        tcfPolicyVersion: "2",
        siteId: "1234",
        bannerId: "12",
        bannerVersion: "50",
        consentId: "183049723840253",
        dateCreated: 1614174067000,
        dateUpdated: 1614185078030,
        dateExpires: 1614236789942
    consent: {
        status: "all-on|all-off|mixed|unset",
        categories: {
            "1": {
                status: "on",
                required: true
            "2": {
                status: "on|off|unset"
            "tcf2_1": {
                status: "on|off|unset"
            "tcf2_2": {
                status: "on|off|unset",
                legIntStatus: "on|off|unset"
            "tcf2_sf_1": {
                status: "on|off|unset"
        vendors: {
          "1": {
                status: "on|off|unset"
          "tcf2_1": {
                status: "on|off|unset"
          "tcf2_2": {
                status: "on|off|unset",
                legIntStatus: "on|off|unset"
          "acm_1": {
                status: "on|off|unset"

Meta Properties

The meta property includes metadata and context for the consent that was provided on a browser.

The consent property includes detailed information about the consent provided on the browser.

Category and Vendor IDs are prefixed with an identifier in case they are managed by a consent framework.

Last updated