Stored Data

By implementing the MixCommander module, you enable Commanders Act to collect data about your campaigns.

Commanders Act stores the following data:

Data identifying visitors:

  • The TCID: this identifier (stored in a cookie set on your domain name) enables Commanders Act to differentiate one visitor from another. Visitor identification is handled automatically by Commanders Act.

  • The IP address and user-agent: the visitor’s IP address and user agent make up the user’s “fingerprint” and are always logged by Commanders Act. In particular, this information provides for monitoring conversions if the internet user’s browser does not accept cookies.

Note: IP addresses are anonymized by default, if necessary you can disable this option, please contact your dedicated consultant or TagCommander support.

The user ID, as long as it is provided in the MixCommander tags

Touchpoints of customer journeys:

  • The date of the touchpoint: among other things, logging the date of the touchpoint allows the cookie window concept to be managed in the models attribution.

  • Type of action: for each touchpoint, TagCommander logs the user’s action, i.e. a click, an impression, or a visit to the site.

  • Channel/Source and additional tracking parameters: for each touchpoint, TagCommander memorizes the channel and the source (in parameters “chn” and “src” in the TagCommander redirect URL, as well as additional tracking parameters (e.g.: the search keyword, the affiliate’s ID, the name of the campaign, etc.).

Conversion details:

  • The date of the conversion.

  • Segmentation data: if you want to retrieve additional details on the confirmation page (e.g.: repeat/new customers, country, device, etc.), they will also be stored on the Commanders Act servers.

The following diagram represents a typical customer journey for a visitor, followed by the conversion. The table below it gives you an idea of what data is stored by Commanders Act.

The data captured by MixCommander is stored on Commanders Act servers (hosted on French Equinix servers, SLA 99.98%).

Raw data is stored for 90 rolling days. This means that the window for recalculating the source customer journeys for reports is 90 days max. It is, therefore possible to correct report figures, but only during this period. Note: The data storage period on our servers can be extended. For that purpose, please contact the salesperson in charge of your account.

On the other hand, we should point out that all the data in MixCommander report is visible as soon as the project begins when Commanders Act starts collecting data on your site via the “MIX - Click and Site Tracking V3.5“, “MIX -Site Tracking Only V3.5” and “MIX - Conversion 3V.5” tags.

Raw data is stored in 4 universes (4 files): clicks, impressions, page view, orders.

This data can be exported from the user interface.

Export recent data via email

How to get access to the data via FTP

Ask your consultant or support.

To speed up the process add the necessary FTP details under connection management and send them with your request.

Specification of the CSV exports

File Packaging:

Files are sent as a zip archive that has the same naming conventions as the files.

File naming:

Files are named with the following naming convention.



(site name -) clicks - MM-DD-YYYY.csv


(site name -) views -MM-DD-YYYY.csv

Page Views

(site name -) page views -MM-DD-YYYY.csv


(site name -) orders -MM-DD-YYYY.csv

File specs:

File Encoding


Field Separator

Columns separated with ","

Field Delimiter

Fields start and end with double quotes


Once per day

Column name required


Other requisites

Every known field is sent. Unknown or empty fields remain empty.

CSV Columns


(site name -) views -MM-DD-YYYY.csv







Field Separator

Columns separated by ","

Field Delimiter

Fields start and end with double quotes


1 / day

Column name required


Other requisites

Every field known is sent. Unknown or empty fields remain empty.

Visitor ID: (all files)

Unique Identifier of the Visitor. It consists of a hashed and salted version of the TCID or CAID Cookie.

Field type: string

Session ID: (all files)

The ID of the Session coming from the TC_SESSIONS cookie.

Field type: string

Timestamp: (all files)

The timestamp of the hit as ISO8601 with YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss The timezone of Paris local time. CET or CEST

Field type: date

Order ID: (conversion file only)

Id of the conversion as submitted in the Mix Conversion Tag.

Field type: string

Amount: (conversion file only)

Conversion Amount

Field type: float

IP: (all files)

IPv4 address of the user. If IP anonymization is turned on the last octet of the IP address is replaced by a 0.

Field type: string

User-Agent: (all files)

User-agent of the Browser.

Field type: string

Other Dimensions:

All other Dimensions as you configured them under dimensions.

Last updated