GET Conversion Details

GET Conversion Details

Returns the list of conversion details

Resource URL: GET /{version}/measure/conversiondetails/?site=XXXX&token=YYYY&date_start=YYYY-MM-DD&date_end=YYYY-MM-DD&format=ZZZZ


Return codes:

Response Format The response is in a JSON or XML format.

Difference between API and conversion details


List of fixed dimension in the API

  • Fixed dimensions

  • Traffic Dimensions on demand ( Jira ticket)

  • Conversions Dimensions populated in the conversion hit ( Conversions tags or Server Side tags)

List of fixed dimension in the Api :

  • tc_id

  • id_order

  • date

  • amount_order

  • score

  • channel_winner

  • source_winner

  • click_number

  • view_number

  • touch_point

  • time_convert

  • user_agent

  • ip

Export Conversion Details

List of fixed dimension in the Export

  • Fixed dimensions

  • Traffic Dimensions on demand ( ticket)

  • "raw" dimensions (= option keep format checked )

  • Conversion dimensions

List of fixed dimension in the Export:

  • Identifier ID

  • Order ID

  • Date

  • Amount

  • Fraud score

  • Winner Channel (one touch)

  • Winner Source (one touch)

  • Click

  • Impression

  • Touch points

  • Time to convert

  • Browser

  • IP

3 remarks:

  1. API send the dimensions only when the information is available in the hit

  2. Export send all the dimensions, when it’s empty it send null as a value in the export

  3. Some names of the properties are not the same for the exports and the API ( tc_id / Identifier ID ; view_number / Impression ; etc...)

Last updated