Metrics in LRB
this page has been created to inform you of the differences between old historical report metrics and LRB metrics.
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this page has been created to inform you of the differences between old historical report metrics and LRB metrics.
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Conversion metrics are closely related to the attribution concept. One of the main aims of MixCommander module is to see whether each of your channels is attributed more or fewer conversions by changing your attribution model. To access your attribution models and see their impact on your conversions, click the “Attribution model”, edit the report, click on the attribution model (1) choose one or severals models and validate (2):
The following “Conversion” metrics are available:
Number of conversions.
Revenue generated by the conversions.
Avg. basket
Average basket of the conversions
Revenue / Nb conversions
Conversion rate (new calculation)
Visit conversion rate of the channel or source. The higher the “Conversion rate”, the better the visits/conversions ratio is for your channel or source.
Nb conversions / nb sessions * 100
Number of banner impressions (i.e. the raw measurement of displays of a banner on a site, regardless of whether or not the user has actually seen the banner). The impressions count is measured with the TagCommander impression pixel placed in your banners. See the “STEP1 –Identifying Traffic Sources” article.
Visible impressions
This is the number of visible impressions, as per the IAB definition: “50% of pixels must be in view for a minimum of one second, and for desktop video 50% for two seconds”. Visibility measurement is not possible in all environments (e.g.: JavaScript blocked). Optional activation is not included in the basic setup. Contact the Sales Department for more information.
Number of clicks on links or banners (or number of site accesses for levers not tracked by Commanders Act redirects). The clicks count is measured with the Commanders Act redirect URL placed on your campaigns via the captured tracking parameters of your analytics tool (See the “Identifying Traffic Sources” article).
Click-throught rate (CTR)
Click-through rate (CTR) is the ratio of clicks on a specific banner to the number of total impression of the banner. It is commonly used to measure the success of an online advertising campaign.
Number of clicks / number of views * 100
Ads metrics are a way of analyzing whether your campaigns are adequately rolled out (“impressions” metric) and bring enough traffic to your site (“clicks” metric).
A small number of impressions or clicks may reveal a problem regarding the relaying of your campaign or a message that is not optimized enough as to convince people to visit your site.
Conversely, a campaign generating a lot of impressions and clicks but few conversions (see metrics concerning conversion) may be symptomatic of the fact that your campaigns are aimed at the wrong target, or of a bad user experience on your site (in which case the “attributed analytics” metrics will help you determine the root cause of the problem).
Ads metrics are therefore extremely important for measuring the visibility and effectiveness of your campaigns, and for analyzing the performance of your partners who relay them.
Attr new visitors (new calculation)
Visitors coming to the site for the first time (calculation based on the TCID).
Attr Sessions (new calculation)
Number of sessions. *The session ends after 30 minutes’ inactivity
*The session ends when you close your browser *Each new entry point leads to a new session
*A session can't last more than 4h
* After 30 min of inactivity, if the user start again the session the source will be Direct Access continuous session
NB : we still have 5 sec max to link the session to a clic
Attr One page sessions (new calculation)
Sessions consisting in only viewing the landing page.
Qualified sessions (new calculation)
Sessions with at least two pages viewed on the site.
Sessions - One page sessions
Average session duration (new calculation)
Average length of sessions
Total session duration / sessions
Bounce rate (new calculation)
The bounce rate is the percentage of sessions during which the web user has only viewed one page on your site (one page = one hit).
NB : the Click and Site tracking tag should not be on event but on pages only except for Single Page Application website
One page sessions / sessions * 100
Page views (new calculation)
Number of pages viewed on the site.
Page views per session (new calculation)
Number of pages viewed per session.
Page views / sessions
When a user proceeds browsing after having been inactive for 30 minutes, a new visit is counted and is associated to the “Direct access” channel and the “Continuous Visit” source.
If during a same browsing session 2 channels are recognized (ex: “SEM + Affiliation”), the visit will be attributed to the first one (SEM) but two clicks will be taken into account. One for SEM and one for Affiliation. Each new entry point leads to a new session.
Counters are reset every night at 00:00, so if a user is browsing in between 23h45 and 00h45, two visits will be counted even through they never left the site.
Counters are not reset every night at 00:00 anymore, so if a user is browsing in between 23h45 and 00h45, it will be counted one time.
A session can't last more than 4h
Attributed Analytics metrics are a way of analyzing the behavior of your visitors on your site.The “bounce rate” for instance may be high if site browsing is hard or the landing page is inappropriate.In such cases, certain visitors will quit the site after viewing the first page.
However, a high bounce rate does not always point to a problem on your site. It may also mean that your site is extremely optimized and that web users only need to view one page to find the information they are looking for. This figure can therefore be interpreted positively or negatively, depending on the context.
Another example, the “number of pages viewed per visit” and “Average visit duration” metrics are indicators of time spent and pages viewed by your visitors: a high number of pages viewed and a long time spent may mean that your users like to browse and spend time on your site, but it may also mean that they can’t find their way around the site and are forced to spend a long time there before finding what they are looking for.
There again, these figures should be analyzed alongside the conversion figures to check whether or the viewed pages lead the user to convert.Attributed analytics attributed metrics therefore help you better understand the behavior of visitors on your site, and help you improve certain aspects of the site: campaign home page, internal searches, site organization, etc.
Total of costs splited by dimension.
Cost per click
Average cost of your clicks splited by dimension
Clicks costs / number of clicks
Cost per view
Average cost of your impressions splited by dimension.
Impressions costs / number of impressions
cost per session
Cost divided by the number of “Sessions
Cost /number of “Sessions
Analytics tools on the market use the term "visit" or "session" and have each their own way of calculating more or less closely. Nevertheless, a visit is often associated to a metric which cannot spill over into the next day (i.e. a visit is cut at midnight), whereas a session is generally only link to the browser activity (eg: a session is generally not cut at midnight)
Here are the specification of our session metric :
The session ends after 30 minutes’ inactivity
The session ends when the user close its browser
A session can't last more than 4h.
After 30 min of inactivity, if the user start again the session the source will be Direct Access continuous session
No midnight cut-off : A 10mn session started at 23h59 will not be closed at 0h00. It will continue until 0h09 without generating 2 sessions (Some analytics tools cut will generates 2 visits in this cas, one from 23h59 to 0h00 and one from 0h00 to 0h09)
Each new entry point leads to a new session