Setup guide
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The first thing to do is to add Commanders Act’s Commanders Act tag into each and every container present on your site’s pages.
The tag must be added from the TagCommander interface.
1.Go to TagCommander
Go to the “EDITION” tab
2. Click “SELECT”
3. Click “ADD TAGS”
In the tag library look for the “DataCommander V.1.0” tag and add it to your container by clicking the “ADD TAG(S)”:
When the tag is added, you will need to generate (a) new version(s) of the container(s) you placed the tag into and proceed to deployment.
Now that you have added the tag and deployed the containers, you can create segments. Follow the steps below to do so.
Log in to Commanders Act from our Website if you are not already logged.
Click the DataCommander menu, then the “SEGMENT” button and then “ADD SEGMENT” to the right.
In the window that pops up, name your segment (1), choose whether you want to use it also in the TagCommander product or not (2) and add it (3).
If you choose “no”, tag firing rules based on this segment will not be made available in the “RULES” step from TagCommander.
In the configuration window that appears next:
1.Your recently created segment will be selected by default. You can display the list of all your available segments (should you wish to edit a different one), by clicking the arrow next to the segment’s name.
2.The cog wheel allows you to change your segment’s name and select whether you want to use it in the TagCommander product or not.
3.This menu allows to include (HAVE) or exclude (DO NOT HAVE) visitors from your segment.
4.This menu allows you to select which data cluster you are wanting to consider information from. Note: if you want to enable “customer journey” and “conversion”, you must have subscribed to our “MixCommander” product and request the activation of the MixCommander data unit in the DataCommander module. Please contact your account manager or write to in this case.
5.Select your data universe (visitor “page views”, “properties”, “customer journey” or visitor “conversions”) and the corresponding variable from the dropdown menu (in the screenshot below, the data universe is “page views” and the variables suggested are those from your data layer).
6.The variable is selected
7.Select from the dropdown menu the type of matching you need (equals, contains, is bigger or smaller than, begins with, etc).
8.In this field, select the variable’s values you wish to define your segment with.
9.An auto completion feature will propose you all the values that have been collected so far and available in your global database.
Note: the field will be auto-completed taking the letters a variable starts with.
For example, if you are looking for “Insurance” and type “In”, “Insurance” will be proposed in the list (provided it is present in the database). But if you type “surance”, nothing will be proposed, even though “Insurance” is present in the database.
/!\ This field is also case sensitive: typing “Insurance” instead of “insurance” will have an impact in the listed values that will be displayed.
10.Chose the frequency range – exact, minimum or maximum occurrences – of the chosen values.
11.Enter the amount of occurrences.
12.Select the period of time.
13.“SAVE” your segment configuration.
14.A counter indicates the size of your segment in real time: the number of individuals belonging to that segment and the percentage it represents compared to the global population of your visitors.
You can add more complex segments by adding more conditions: everything in a row is called a “condition”. When it is met, a visitor will be associated to your segment. Segments can be wider and more complex by adding more conditions, based on coding logical operators AND/OR.
To do so, click “ADD CONDITION” (1): It will add a row that will need to be configured just like you just did for the first one.
Once configured it will look like this:
The example above can be read as:
Segment name: Hot leads
Description: Hot leads are visitors whose page views’ information contain a page type that is equal to “Produit/assurance-auto” or “Actu-mobile” AND who are between 26 and 49 years old. In addition, to be included in said segment, the variables Page name and Age must have been populated with the aforementioned values at least four times in the past seven days.
In this example, no visitors within a pool comprising 10.9 million people matched that criteria. This is how segments are created within DataCommander, you can try any combination you like and see how many individuals your segments have and modify their configuration according to your needs.
Nevertheless, when the segment was made of only one type of visitors (those who had looked for the mentioned products at least once in the past 67 days), the population contained in that segment totaled 46,439 visitors. These are examples meant to illustrate the possibilities offered by EDataCommander in terms of segment configuration.
When you are satisfied with you segment, click save and proceed to creating more segments or adding connectors in the “SHARE” tab.
When you have finished creating your segments and wish to add connectors, go to the “SHARE” tab.
Note: Prior to doing this, please make sure your Commanders Act consultant has configured a data transfer protocol to connect with your partners. The most commonly used is FTP. You can contact your Commanders Act consultant or write to to do so.
1. Go to “SHARE”
2.Click “ADD STREAM”
3.In the window that pops up, enter the name of your stream.
4.Click “ADD”.
5.The configuration window will appear and will allow you to select the data category you wish to share with partners (“Page Views” or “Visitors” in this case [A]), and the segment among those you have created (in this case, “Hot Leads” [B]).
6.Select a partner.
7.STREAM LIST displays all your streams.
8. Once you select your partner, a new configuration window will appear for you to enter the required details.
Note: you can have the stream transferred through an FTP or by Email, all you need to do is select the corresponding icon.
In this “new” (enlarged) window (CONFIGURATION) you will have to:
A. Click “EDIT” to select the information available and related to the segment that you wish to share with your partners.
B. Select the information to be transferred (variables): one by one, all at the time or all but one, two or three, etc.… Selected variables will turn purple; unselected variables remain gray.
C. Select the export frequency (once or at a later date).
D. Name the file/export.
E. Enter the time range (period during which the data transfer will happen).
F. Define the transfer frequency.
G. Define the period of time for which you wish to send the information (last 20 days for example).
H. Enter the email addresses of the people who should receive a notification when the stream is shared.
In the Advanced settings, you will need to select:
I. The CSV separator you wish to use.
J.The Encoding type.
9. When you are done configuring the segment and sharing options, click “SAVE” and wait a little while to allow the first file to be transferred.
Once your segments are created, you can use them immediately in the TagCommander interface.
Note: You must activate the “Use in TagCommander” option in the segment creation window in order to create segment-based rules.
To do so,
1.Go to the TagCommander interface.
2.Once there, select the container where the tags you want to fire based on a segment are.
3. When it opens, go to the RULES section.
4. Click “Constraints”.
Note: segment-based rules can only be of the “constraint” type.
6.Select the “DataCommander” trigger type
7.Select the type of rule you wish to activate:
-“DataCommander OR Condition (Up to Six Possible Audiences)”: It allows to fire one or more tags depending on the segment a visitor belongs to (can be one or another).
-“DataCommander AND Condition (Up to Six Possible Audiences)”: It allows you to trigger one or more tags if a visitor belongs to several segments.
-“Engage Event Activation”: It allows you to define which events you wish to trigger based on the segment a visitor belongs to. After defining the events, all you need to do is create one or more event constraints based on the segment(s) a visitor belongs to. You can do this with the DataCommander OR/AND conditions.
8.Name the rule.
9.Check the boxes corresponding to the tags you wish to trigger based on that rule.
10.Select your audience(s) from the dropdown menu.
11.Add your rule.
When the rule(s) are added, you will need to generate and deploy a new container*.
Here are some examples of how these rules can be used:
To trigger a popin if the user belongs to the “hot leads” segment.
To launch a virtual assistant if the user belongs to the “lost visitor” segment.
To display an “encouraging”/prompting message on your site if a user belongs to the “cold user” segment.