Deduplication reports
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The “Report by Conversion” report provides information pertaining to the tags that were called for every conversion on your site, according to the rules you defined in the rules section, more specifically deduplication rules. Data is collected by the “Commanders Act – Reporting Deduplication v1.2” tag.
To access the report, please click the “Deduplication” entry from the main menu.
Then click the “Report by Conversion” tab (1).
Interface Description
The calendar allows you to select a period of time to display deduplicated tag calls. There are eight predefined periods (Yesterday, Last Week, Last 30 days, Last Month, Last Quarter, Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, Year-To-Date) and you can customize the period you wish to see tag calls for. You also have the possibility to compare periods to have a clearer vision of the way tags’ performance has evolved from one period to another.
“Report by Conversion” Table
This table displays the number of tag calls for every conversion:
“Conversion ID”column: displays your conversions’ IDs.
“Date”column: displays a conversions’ time and date.
“Revenue”column: displays the conversions’ amounts (including or excluding taxes, depending on the amount you chose to collect with the “TagCommander – Reporting Deduplication v1.2” tag).
“Tags” column: lists all tags that were called per conversion. Rules affecting tags are all considered, especially deduplication rules.
“Detail”column: it displays a popin with the detailed customer journey per conversion. The popin is made of four columns.
Position: displays, in descending order, the position of every touch point within the customer journey associated to the conversion.
Type: displays the touchpoint’s type (click or impression).
Channel/Source: displays the channel (lever) and source (solution) corresponding to every touch point.
Date: displays every touch point’s time and date.
The search engine above the table allows you to easily and quickly find a conversion simply by typing its ID.
The “Advanced Filtering” button lets you filter results by tag to find a conversion faster.
Exporting the “Report by Conversion” table
The “export” icon on top of the table allows you to export the “Report by Conversion” report:
If you click “CSV” you will receive the CSV report directly in your mailbox.
If you click “Email”, you will be able to enter the email addresses of people you wish to send the CSV report to.
The “Report by Tag” report allows you to see, over a specific period of time, the number and evolution of calls to the tags that were placed on your confirmation page(s), more specifically those of deduplicated tags. Data is collected by the “Commanders Act – Reporting Deduplication v1.2” tag.
To access the report, please click the “Deduplication” entry fromthe main menu.
Then click the “Report by Tag” tab (1).
Interface Description
The calendar allows you to select a period of time to display deduplicated tag calls. There are eight predefined periods (Yesterday, Last Week, Last 30 days, Last Month, Last Quarter, Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, Year-To-Date) and you can customize the period you wish to see tag calls for. You also have the possibility to compare periods to have a clearer vision of the way tags’ performance has evolved from one period to another.
“Tag calls’ evolution” graph
The “Tag calls’ evolution” graph displays calls to the tags checked in the “Tag Calls Detailed” table. If you wish to display data for other tags, simply check the corresponding box and click the table’s refresh icon. A curve with a specific color is associated to every tag. When you click the tag’s name in the graph’s legend, the curve corresponding to the tag whose name you clicked will disappear or reappear.
The arrow in the graph’s upper right-hand corner allows you to unfold or collapse the latter.
The button in the graph’s bottom right-hand corner lets you see calls to deduplicated tags on a daily or weekly basis.
“Tag Calls Detailed” table
Tags listed in the “Tag Calls Detailed” table are tags placed on pages where the “Commanders Act – Reporting Deduplication v1.2” tag was included too.
The table displays the number of calls that were issued:
The “Conversions” column indicates the number of times a tag was called over a given period of time. This number considers deduplication and other rules placed on your tags.
The “Conversion Share” column displays the percentage of conversions a given tag participated in, according to the exact same rules as those considered in the “Conversions”
The “Detail” column allows you to see the IDs of conversions a tag was called for, as well as the corresponding time, date and amount (including or excluding taxes, depending on the amount you chose to collect with the “TagCommander – Reporting Deduplication v1.2” tag.