Monitoring interface
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The server-side monitoring interface lets you visualize “incoming hits” to Commanders Act servers (calls issued from your servers to Commanders Act’s) and “outgoing hits” (calls issued by Commanders Act’s servers to your partner solutions’).
Please note the following elements before using the server-side hit monitoring interface :
If you have already subscribed to our server-side tracking service and wish to make use of the monitoring interface, you need to regenerate and deploy the server-side containers you wish to monitor hits for. Information collection will start as soon as the containers are deployed.
Data is stored one day only (24 hours) and updated in real time.
Please do the following to access the reports:
1) – Click the TagCommander icon
2) – Click “Reports”
3) – Select “Server-side Monitoring”
4) – Select the container whose tags you wish to monitor hits for (in case you have more than one container).
5) – Select the type of hits you wish to monitor from the dropdown menu:
*Incoming hits: input hits or hits sent from the client’s server to Commanders Act’s.
*Outgoing hits: output hits or hits sent from Commanders Act’s servers to the client’s.
Default settings will display outgoing hits for all your partners (“all tags”), but you can display a specific partner’s tags by selecting their name from the list.
6) – Click this tab to see hits hourly or every 15 minutes.
7) – The table under the graph contains four default columns for incoming hits and three for outgoing hits. They correspond to server-side hits’ default parameters:
ID: Id of the server-side hit (it is generated automatically by Commanders Act’s servers).
Timestamp: Time and date of the server-side hit (it is generated automatically by Commanders Act’s servers).
User agent: server’s user agent (it is generated automatically by TagCommander’s servers).
Method: It is the method used to send hits to Commanders Act’s servers, meaning “POST”, “GET”, and/or “GET and POST” methods, (the latter is displayed for incoming hits only).
8) – The remaining columns correspond to custom parameters sent in the incoming or outgoing server-side hits. It is data sent by your servers to Commanders Act or by the latter to your partners’ servers.
Example – An incoming hit has the following structure: http://serverside$siteID$$containerID$/?order_id=value&order_amount=value
The default columns (ID, Timestamp, User Agent, IP) will be displayed, as well as two additional columns: one labeled “order_id” (corresponding to the order information included in the hit) and another one labeled “order_amount” (order amounts sent through the hits).
9) – Click this icon to display a dropdown menu that will allow you hide or display columns from the table.
10) – You can search for information contained in the hits with this search engine.
11) – Click this icon to export data contained in the table as a .CSV file. You will receive the report by email.