Cookie Scanner

The cookie scanner module allows Commanders Act users to monitor cookies on their website and to provide users with an automated cookie notice.


Commanders Act offers a cookie scanner that continuously monitors websites for cookies in real time. The scanner has access to a database of common analytics and marketing cookies and can therefore provide ready to use descriptions and information. This cookie information can be used to install a dynamic cookie notice on the website that provides transparent information about the used cookies and their purpose to visitors.


Simply follow these 3 steps to enjoy this feature on your account:

1-Cookie Scanner is an optional module. Only a Commanders Act consultant (or support team) can activate it. So the first step will be to ask to our team to activate the feature on your Commanders Act site.

2-Declare the domains that you need to be scanned with the Cookie Scanner Data Governance > Consent Management > Settings > Cookie Scanner Domains

3-Regenerate and Deploy your privacy banner(s)

Scan Cookies


Cookie scanner combines three mechanisms to identify cookies on websites:

Cookie Scanner uses a JavaScript tag that is directly deployed on the website (e.g. with Commanders Act TMS). The JavaScript tag scans cookies of website users in real time. This allows to identify cookies that are set in very specific scenarios e.g. it allows to identify cookies that are only set for a specific geolocation or behind a log-in form.

The tag also monitors the 3rd party domains the website communicates with (e.g. for an Analytics service). This information is used to infer 3rd party cookies via the cookie scanner cookie database.

JavaScript tags have limited access to cookie information—therefore cookie scanner enriches the information identified with the JavaScript tag with information received with the Chrome extension and cookie database.

Some technical systems (like Drupal) create dynamic cookie names. Cookie Scanner therefore groups cookies when 5 or more cookies start with the same 4 characters. (e.g. abcd123, abcd2345, abcd3456, etc.)

Cookie scanner can scan following types of cookies:

Cookie Scanner scans following fields per cookie:

Cookie scanner doesn't store cookie's values

Health > Website Monitoring > Cookie Scanner > EDIT (Tab)

In the edit step of the cookie notice it is possible to investigate, edit and enrich cookie information.


All identified cookies are listed in three groups:

  1. New lists new Cookies that have not yet been manually investigated

  2. Active lists Cookies that should be shown in the cookie notice

  3. Ignored lists (internal) Cookies that should not be shown in the cookie notice

It is possible to edit the information of each cookie by pressing the Pen icon to the right on the table. This will open a cookie dialogue with following options:

It is possible to add custom cookies by pressing the ADD COOKIE button on the top right of the interface. This will open a cookie dialogue that has the same fields as the edit cookie information dialogue. Additionally it has a Name field that allows to set the name of the custom cookie.

Activate, Deactivate or Delete Cookies

New cookies and inactive cookies can be activated via the Checkmark icon. This adds them to the Active cookies list.

Active cookies and be deactivated by clicking the Stop sign icon. This adds them to the Inactive cookies list.

Inactive cookies can be deleted with the Trash can icon. This removes the cookie from the list entirely.

Cookies that should not be shown in the cookie notice should be kept in the inactive list and not deleted. Otherwise they will re-appear as soon as the cookie scanner identifies them again.

Localisation is not available yet.

It is possible to localize cookie information. This allows to translate important information of each cookie for the cookie notice that can be embedded on a website.

To localize cookie information it is first necessary to select supported languages. To select supported languages go to Data Governance > Consent Management > Settings and select the country codes of the languages the cookie notice should be made available in. It is recommended to select country codes from the dropdown menu, but it is also possible to add custom country codes. Cookie Scanner offers automatic translation of predefined information for common languages (EN, FR, DE, IT).

After selecting the needed country codes the cookie information can be translated in the EDIT step of the interface. To translate a cookie click the Pen icon to open the edit modal. There it is possible to select a country code via a dropdown. Then adjust the setting the fields to translate them. You can preview the cookie list in a specific language by using the country code dropdown in the top right of the interface.

Following fields support localisation:

  • Vendor Label

  • Category Label

  • Description

  • Custom Fields


The cookie list displays optional labels for each cookie in the cookie list to inform about important information and notifications.

Health > Website Monitoring > Cookie Scanner > DEPLOY (Tab)

The DEPLOY (Tab) interface is used to install, create and deploy a cookie notice on a website. It provides a versioned list of cookie notices that were created within the account.

After all cookie information was setup in the EDIT (Tab) it is possible to install the cookie notice on a website. The cookie notice is available in 3 versions:

1. Javascript snippet

Copy/past the js code on your legal page to automatically build the cookies list table.

2. HTML Table

The HTML table is the recommended way to install a dynamic cookie notice on websites.

For this it is recommended to setup both a JavaScript tag (e.g. tag template 'TRUST | Install Cookie Notice' in TagCommander) and a placeholder <div> on the website (e.g. in the Content Management System). The placeholder is a slot where the table should be inserted and the tag loads the table and inserts it into the slot.

Both the <div> and the tag need to be configured with a common id. e.g. in case the placeholder <div> has following id: <div id="ca-slot--cookie-notice"></div> it is necessary to set the parameter #PLACEHOLDER_DIV_ID# of the tag template TRUST | Install Cookie Notice to ca-slot--cookie-notice .

Endpoint of the HTML file:<site_id>/v1/cookies-<language_code>.html

site_id: Commanders Act site ID (e.g. 1234).

language_code: Language of the cookie notice (e.g. fr, default language is en).

The HTML table uses semantic and accessible table HTML. This ensures that the table uses the default styling of your website. The style of the table can be directly adjusted with the CSS of the website. In case you need help styling you can reach out to your Commanders Act consultant.


The JSON API provides a method to install a cookie notice for advanced use cases. It provides all cookie information in a structured data format that can be used by technical users to create custom functionalities. The JSON API can e.g. be used to inject a custom cookie notice into a native App.

Endpoint of the json file:<site_id>/v1/cookies-<language_code>.json

site_id: Commanders Act site ID (e.g. 1234).

language_code: Language of the cookie notice (e.g. fr, default language is en).

Before it is possible to deploy updates to the cookie notice it is necessary to create a new version. To create a new cookie notice version click the NEW VERSION button on the top right of the interface. This will take all cookies in the Active list of the EDIT (Tab) to create the cookie notice. In the new version dialogue it is possible to provide a comment that explains changes in the new version for internal reference.

The Play button to the right of a cookie notice version can be used to preview a cookie notice. This will not apply any styling of the website so the look will differ compared to the cookie notice on the website.

A Down Arrow button is available for each cookie notice version. It allows to download the cookie notice in all localisations in HTML, JSON, CSV and XSLX format. In the XSLX one tab is included per language. For all other formats a ZIP will be provided that includes one file per language.

The DEPLOY button to the right of each cookie notice version can be used to deploy a cookie notice to the website. This allows to deploy new versions, but allows to roll back to older version in case of issues.


Custom Fields

Cookie Scanners allows to add custom fields to provide additional details per cookie. These fields can be added inside of the feature settings accessible via the Gear icon. It is possible to re-arrange the fields by changing their order via drag and drop.

User Rights

User Rights for Cookie Scanner are not yet available.

Cookie Scanner offers following user rights:


You can filter your cookie's list by host (website) and language

Last updated