LinkedIn Conversions API

LinkedIn CAPI

LinkedIn is a business and employment-focused social media platform. Using this destination you can stream conversion events to LinkedIn through their Conversions API. This allows to measure the performance of your LinkedIn marketing campaigns no matter where the conversion happens and use this data to power campaign optimization. This destination can help strengthen performance and decrease cost per action with more complete attribution, improved data reliability, and better optimized delivery.

Key features

The LinkedIn destination provides the following key features:

  • Events structure: our Events reference model matches LinkedIn's conversion rules, meaning that your data is properly bridged to the expected fields in an optimized way.

  • Prebuilt mappings: data mapping for event-based destinations happens automatically, which simplifies user inputs.

  • Smart mapping: data mapping can be readjusted using your datalayer defined fields.

Destination setup

Before using this destination, review your conversion rules and campaigns in LinkedIn:

First, ensure at least one conversion rule is defined in LinkedIn by accessing your Campaign Manager account and select Analyze (1)Conversion tracking (2) from the left menu:

Lastly, you need to associate your conversion rule with one or more campaigns. From the Conversion tracking section, click your conversion rule and reach step 3 where you can select the campaigns you want to track with the conversion:

In order to set the optional "Smart Mapping" field Linkedin UUID or the related cookie li_fat_id , advertisers need to enable enhanced conversion tracking from Campaign Manager. This activates first party cookies that append a click identifier parameter ("li_fat_id") to the click URLs. Refer Enabling Click Ids for implementation details.

LinkedIn CAPI supports deduplication with your client-side Insight Tag. Check the "Smart Mapping" field Event Id , Field Mappings (See property eventId ) or this LINK for more details.




Required Your credentials with LinkedIn Campaign Manager as set in the Commanders Act interface following: AdministrationConnector CredentialsAdd connector credentialsLinkedinAds

Conversion Rule Name

Required Select your conversion rule name from the drop-down menu. You can create/edit a conversion rule by accessing your Campaign Manager account and select "Analyze" → "Conversion tracking" from the left menu.

Quick reference

Commanders Act EventsLinkedIn Tracking

[Any Event] [1]

[Any Conversion Rule] [2]

[1] Use Destination filters to specify your matching events. [2] See Conversion Rule Name in Configuration for more details.

Field Mappings

Most properties can be remapped using our "Smart Mapping" feature.

At least one of the following statements, related to "Smart Mapping" fields, must be fulfilled: • The field User Email SHA256 is set. • The field Linkedin UUID or the cookie li_fat_id is set. • The field LiveRamp ACXIOM Id is set. • The field Oracle MOAT Id is set. • Both fields User First Name and User Last Name are set. Moreover, If you send any user information via "Smart Mapping" fields (E.g. User Company Name , User Job Title , or User Country ), you must set the User First Name and User Last Name fields, regardless if you provide other identity values listed above. More details are available following this LINK.

Commanders Act PropertiesLinkedIn Properties

"urn:lla:llaPartnerConversion:" + Conversion Rule Id

conversion [*]


conversionHappenedAt [*]






eventId [1]





user.userIds.X.idValue [2]





user.userIds.X.idType [3]










[*] Mandatory property. [1] The unique id generated by advertisers to indicate each event. This is used for deduplication. More details are available following this LINK. [2] If a clear text user email is provided, it's automatically hashed via SHA256. The "Smart Mapping" field Linkedin UUID has priority over the cookie li_fat_id . [3] Depending on the value being set in user.userIds.X.idValue , this is one of the following strings: SHA256_EMAIL , LINKEDIN_FIRST_PARTY_ADS_TRACKING_UUID , ACXIOM_ID or ORACLE_MOAT_ID . More details are available following this LINK.

Last updated