Google Enhanced Conversions for Leads

Google is a multinational technology company focusing on online advertising, search engine technology, cloud computing, and computer software. This destination let you improve the accuracy of your offline conversion measurement by uploading click conversions that contain hashed user identifiers and some optional additional details that help Google Ads match the conversion to the ad that initiated the lead.

Key features

The Google Enhanced Conversions for Leads destination provides the following key features:

  • Events structure: our Events reference covers Google method uploadClickConversions, meaning that your data is properly bridged to the expected fields in an optimized way.

  • Prebuilt mappings: data mapping for event-based destinations happens automatically, which simplifies user inputs.

  • Automatic hashing: information is automatically hashed matching partner specifications.

  • Smart mapping: data mapping can be readjusted using your datalayer defined fields.

  • Support for multi-item data: information included in the item array is dispatched to the partner.

Destination setup

Before configuring this destination, you need to fullfil the following Google prerequisites:

1. Create and configure your conversion action

Login into Google Ads and:

  • Click Goals

  • Click the Conversion drop down in the menu section.

  • Click Summary

  • Click New conversion action.

  • Select Import in the "New conversion action” page.

  • Select CRMs, files, or other data sources and then Track conversions from clicks.

  • In the “Data Source” section, you can select Connect a new data source: this can be done at a later stage.

  • Click Continue.

  • Enter the settings for this conversion action. For details on the settings, check out Set up offline conversion imports.

  • Click Save and continue. The next page will confirm your new conversion action.

  • Click Done.

2. Turn on enhanced conversions for leads

Check the box to turn on enhanced conversions for leads or you can do it, after creating your conversion action, by clicking Summary and open the enhanced conversions for leads drop down to check the same box.

3. Accept the customer data terms

To accept the customer data terms click on Summary, select Settings and click the Customer data terms drop down.




Required Your credentials with Google Ads as set in the Commanders Act interface following: AdministrationConnector CredentialsAdd connector credentialsGoogle Ads

Mapping Conversion Names

Required Map your Google Ads conversion names, where enhanced conversions are applied, with your events by setting the fields Conversion name and Your event name . At least one line is required. Conversion names can be found in the Google Ads interface following: GoalsSummaryConversion actions (column).

Mapping Custom Variables

Custom variables add richer data to your conversions so that you can further segment your reports. You can map your custom variable names with your values by setting the fields Custom variable name and Your value . More details are available by following this LINK.

Google Analytics Measurement Id

You can add the Google Analytics "Measurement Id", which is a string like "SE23QCQ1Q8" without the intial "G-" part. It's used as an additional method to retrieve your gclid from available cookies.

Validate Only

If flagged, the request is validated but not executed!. Only errors are returned, not results, in the tab Event Inspector.

Debug Enabled

If flagged, Google endpoint will perform all upload checks and return errors if any are found. If false, it will perform only basic input validation, skip subsequent upload checks, and return success even if no click was found for the provided user identifiers. More details are available by following this LINK.

Quick reference

Commanders Act EventsGoogle Tracking

[Any Event] [1]


[1] See Mapping Conversion Names in Configuration for more details.

Field mappings

At least one of the following identifiers must be provided:

  • User email

  • User phone

Most properties can be remapped using our "Smart Mapping" feature. Google properties are set starting from the path conversions[0] .

Commanders Act PropertiesGoogle Properties



Google Analytics Measurement Id

gclid [1]

gbraid [2]

wbraid [3]

userIdentifierSource [4]


hashedEmail [4][5]

hashedPhoneNumber [4][5]

consent.adUserData [6]

consent.adPersonalization [6]










Mapping Conversion Names

conversionAction [7]





Custom variable name

conversionCustomVariable [8][9]

Your value

value [8][10]

Validate Only

validateOnly [11]

Debug Enabled

debugEnabled [11]

[1] See Google Analytics Measurement Id in Configuration for more details. [2] Google click identifier for clicks associated with app conversions and originating from iOS devices starting with iOS14. [3] Google click identifier for clicks associated with web conversions and originating from iOS devices starting with iOS14. [4] Set in the userIdentifiers.X . Accepted values: FIRST_PARTY , THIRD_PARTY or UNSPECIFIED . Default value: FIRST_PARTY . [5] Automatically hashed if provided in clear text. [6] Accepted values: true , 1 or granted when user granted the consent or false , 0 or denied otherwise. If consent is not specified use unspecified . All string values are case insensitive. Default value granted . [7] Conversion resource name in the following format: customers/[CUSTOMER_ID]/conversionActions/[CONVESION_ACTION_ID] [8] Set in the path customVariables.X . [9] Resource name of the custom variable in the following format: customers/[CUSTOMER_ID]/conversionCustomVariables/[VARIABLE_ID] [10] Your value for the custom variable. See Mapping Custom Variables in Configuration for more details. [11] Set in the base path. See Configuration for more details.

Last updated