Criteo - Events

Criteo is an advertising company that provides online display advertisements. Using the Criteo Server-side API you can track web events you are used to report via Criteo OneTag client-side JS (pixel). This is normally required for technical and legal reasons.

Key features

The Criteo (events) destination provides the following key features:

  • Events structure: our Events reference suits Criteo's events, meaning that your data is properly bridged to the expected fields in an optimized way.

  • Prebuilt mappings: data mapping for event-based destinations happens automatically, which simplifies user inputs.

  • Refined data: you can freely push additional information based on your specific needs (E.g. adding custom events, custom event and user properties).

  • Support for multi-item data: information included in the item array is brought to Criteo.

Destination setup

The Criteo salted user ID (GUM ID) is required: this value must be passed to this destination by including the cookie crto_mapped_user_id. The easiest way to manage this cookie is to use this client-side tags in our tag library : Criteo - User Identification in your web container.


Quick reference

[1] If page.type is home then viewHome is also sent with viewPage, otherwise, just viewPage is forwarded.

Field mappings

[1] Automatically converted in the ISO 8601 format. [2] This is either m or d, depending if is defined or not. [3] is automatically hashed.

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