Google Floodlight Mobile App Conversion

This destination is currently under final review and will be available soon.

Floodlight provides you insight into the actions that users take after they view or click on ads. Using this destination you can track installs of your app or activities that take place in the app.

Key features

The Google Floodlight Mobile App Conversion destination provides the following key features:

  • Events structure: our Events reference covers Floodlight ability to track in-app actions, meaning that your data is properly bridged to the expected fields in an optimized way.

  • Prebuilt mappings: data mapping for event-based destinations happens automatically, which simplifies user inputs.

  • Refined data: you can freely push additional custom event properties based on your specific needs.

  • Smart mapping: data mapping can be readjusted using your datalayer defined fields.

  • Support for multi-item data: information included in the item array is dispatched to Floodlight.

Destination setup

Some setup is required on the Floodlight side before configuring this destination. See more details by following this LINK (See section Set up Floodlight in apps Ensure ad tags pass proper values from publishers).



Advertiser Id

Required This is the value of the src parameter. More details are available following this LINK.

Group Tag String

Required This is the value of the type parameter. More details are available following this LINK.

Activity Tag String

Required This is the value of the cat parameter. More details are available following this LINK.

Custom Event Properties

Send custom properties ( u , tran , num , u1 , u2 , etc...) related to events.

Quick reference

Commanders Act EventsFloodlight conversion

[Any Event] [1]

[Any Conversion] [1]

[1] Use Destination filters to refine events matching your specific needs.

Field Mappings

Commanders Act PropertiesFloodlight Properties

Advertiser Id

src [*]

Group Tag String

cat [*]

Activity Tag String

type [*]


dc_rdid [*]





qty [1]




ord [2] items.X.product.price items.X.quantity


Your value [3]

Floodlight property name [3]

[*] Mandatory property. [1] Sum of each product quantity. [2] If no property is provided, a random generated number is used. [3] See Custom Event Properties in Configuration for more details on how you can add custom properties.

Last updated