Source Live Event Inspector

Live event inspector is a great way to visualize in real-time all your incoming events, coming from a specific source (tab Event Inspector when you click on a source) or coming from all sources (Live Events Inspector link in Sources menu).

It is the easiest way to help you to debug what is received, you can check all properties and filter on specific events or properties.

Intelligent sampling

During your test phase, you'll see 100% of your ingoing events in the event inspector, thanks to the intelligent sampling mechanism.

When you'll start to send more real data with millions of events, you'll see only a portion of ingoing events, based on these rules :

  • 6 requests per minute for each event type

  • a bonus of 30 requests per hour for each event type

You can visualize data up to 7 days

IP addresses are automatically obfuscated (the last octet is replaced by 0)

To go further, you can also inspect the data sent to each destination in real time, by going to the Event Inspector tab of your destinations:

Destination event inspector

Debug Mode

A Debug Mode is available ! Simply add the property test_code with any value (string format) in your events.

This property will bypass the intelligent sampling mechanism. It's a simple way to be sure your test hits will be available in the Live Event Inspector. You will be allowed to send 20 events/minute for each Source.

Here's an example of an event with this property

cact('trigger','page_view', {
  page_type: 'product_list',
  page_name: 'Best sellers',
  test_code: 'my_value',
  user: {
    id: '12356',
    consent_categories: [1,3]

Last updated