Commission Junction

Commission Junction (CJ) provides a global affiliation network connecting businesses with customers. Using this destination you can implement server-side tracking.

Key features

The Commission Junction destination provides the following key features:

  • Events structure: our Events reference covers Commission Junction server-side tracking, meaning that your data is properly bridged to the expected fields in an optimized way.

  • Prebuilt mappings: data mapping for event-based destinations happens automatically, which simplifies user inputs.

  • Smart mapping: data mapping can be readjusted using your datalayer defined fields.

  • Refined data: you can freely push additional information based on your specific needs.

  • Support for multi-item data: information included in the item array is bridged to Awin.

Destination setup


[1] This feature allows you to set an event property holding a dynamic value by adding two open braces ({{) in front of your property name and two close braces (}}) at the end (E.g. {{myEventPropertyPathAndName}}). [2] Using "dots" (".") you can navigate deeper to the specific property you want to get the value of. See Events reference for more details on the standard field names by event. You can also freely set custom fields: there are no boundaries.

Field mappings

Most properties can be remapped using our "Smart Mapping" feature. Setting the configuration field CJ Event Cookie Name is not mandatory if the "Smart Mapping" field Click Id (cjevent) is set. The latter has precedence over the former.

[1] "Smart Mapping" field. [2] Click Id (cjevent) has priority over CJ Event Cookie Name . [3] Automatically converted in the ISO 8601 format. [4] If items are present, this property won't be included. [5] For each item: X and Y are incremental numbers, starting from0and1respectively. [6] See Custom Event Properties in Configuration for more details. The signature CJ optional property can be set using this feature.

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