A - Column filters
You can access column filters thanks to the small Filter icon.
1 - Text filters
By default, the filter value is Contains but you can access multiple values:
Contains, does not contain
Equals to, different from
Begins with
Ends with
Once you enter the value, it is applied automatically .
You can combine two filters thanks to the AND/OR functions.
By hitting the RESET button, you can delete all the filters.
2 - Number filters
By default, the filter value is Equals to , but you can access multiple values:
Equals to
Different from
Stricly inferior to
Inferior or equal to
Stricly superior to
Superior or equal to
Between X and Y
Once you enter the value, it is applied automatically .
You can combine two filters thanks to the AND/OR functions.
By hitting the RESET button, you can delete all the filters.
B - Data filters
1 - Filters Picker
By using the Filters Picker, you can filter the data displayed in your report. Filters can be applied to one or several Dimensions Values , even if the Dimension is not displayed in your report.
Example : I want to see the Adgroups and the Keywords of the Google Ads ‘Brand’ campaign.
a - Areas (1) and (2): SearchYou can search the Dimensions names or Values of the selected dimension. You can choose where you are looking for in the zone (2).
b - Area (3): Available Dimensions list All the dimensions in which you can select filtering values will appear here.
c - Area (4) : Available values When you select a dimension, the possible values will appear here.
2 - Add quickly a filter directly from your report
You can also add a Filter value by clicking on the Filter icon in any cell with a Dimension value.
Last updated